| ที่
| | Web Site | หน่วยงาน | | รายละเอียด กฎระเบียบ
| 1 | | http://uscode.house.gov | Office of the Law Revision Counsel | | Rulemaking procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act |
| 2 | | http://www4.law.cornell.edu/ uscode | The Legal Information Institute | | Rulemaking procedures of the Administrative Procedure Act |
| 3 | | http://reginfo.gov/public/ reginfo/regmap/index.jsp | Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs | | A flowchart graphically depicting the rulemaking process (Reg Map) |
| 4 | | http://reginfo.gov/public/ do/eoPackageMain | Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs | | All OIRA (The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs) reviews under EO 12866 (and its predecessor, EO 12291). |
| 5 | | http://whitehouse.gov/omb/ circulars/a004/a-4.pdf | Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs | | Regulatory Analysis (Circular A-4) |
| 6 | | http://www.whitehouse.gov/ omb/circulars/a119/a119.html | Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs | | Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Standards |
| 7 | | http://www.whitehouse.gov/ omb/fedreg/reproducible2.pdf | Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs | | Guideline for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility and Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Agencies |
| 8 | | http://www.whitehouse.gov/ omb/fedreg/2005/011405_ peer.pdf | Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs | | Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review |
| 9 | | http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ fr/index.html | The Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) | | Search The official U.S. Government document for publishing rulemaking notices. (The Federal Register) |
| 10 | | http://www.archives.gov/ federal_register/publications/ about_the_federal_register. html | The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration | | Search The official U.S. Government document for publishing rulemaking notices. (The Federal Register) |
| 11 | | http://reginfo.gov | Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs | | The Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions |
| 12 | | http://ciir.cs.umass.edu/ua | The Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval under University of Massachusetts Amherst | | The Regulatory Plan and the Unified Agenda |
| 13 | | http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ nara/index.html | The Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) | | Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) |
| 14 | | http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ ecfr | The Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) | | Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) |
| 15 | | http://dms.dot.gov | U.S. Department of Transportation | | On-line information about proposed and final regulations, copies of public comments, and related information in the Dockets Management System (DMS). |
| 16 | | http://www.fda.gov./ohrms/ dockets/default.htm | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | | The official repository for the administrative proceedings and rule-making documents for the FDA Search Federal Register |
| 17 | | http://www.epa.gov/epahome/ rules.html#proposed | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | | Law and Regulation |
| 18 | | http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | | Search reports and analyses, such as Report on Florida Motorcycle Helmet Law Repeal Analysis of Speeding-Related Fatal traffic Crashes |
| 19 | | http://www.whitehouse.gov/ government | The White House | | Links to all Federal departments and agencies in the President is Cabinet and to all independent agencies and commissions |
| 20 | | http://www.regulations.gov/ eRuleMaking.cfm | U.S. Government web site | | find, review, and submit comments on Federal documents that are open for comment and published in the Federal Register, the Government is legal newspaper |
| 21 | | http://www.usdoj.gov/oip/foi-act.htm | United States Department of Justice | | Freedom of Information Act Guide, May 2004 |
| 22 | | http://www.whitehouse.gov/ omb/inforeg/eo12866.pdf | Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs | | Federal Register Vol.58 No.190 October 4, 1993 Part VIII The President - Executive Order 12866 Regulatory Planning and Review |
| 23 | | http://www.whitehouse.gov/ omb/inforeg/regpol.html | Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs | | OIRA Regulatory Matters |
| 24 | | http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/ 24/6/34976533.pdf | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | | OECD Guiding Principles for Regulatory Quality and Performance |
| 25 | | http://judiciary.house.gov/ media/pdfs/printers/ 108th/appel2004.pdf | U.S. house of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary | | Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure (December 31, 2004) |
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